Your Premier Dance Studio


Hi WVDC Families, 

We are beyond excited to announce our dance classes will be able to come back to the studio for in person classes with limited class sizes on October 5, 2020!

Although this is very exciting news for some, we understand that others may not feel comfortable coming into the studio at this time. All dancers will have the option of continuing to participate in their classes via Zoom or begin to take their classes in person. Please fill out this form by September 28 to inform us of how you would like your student to participate in their classes, virtual or in person. We will be filling in person spaces for classes in order of responses. 

We are so thrilled for this opportunity to begin teaching our dancers in the studio and have implemented the following guidelines and procedures to ensure the health and safety of our dancers and staff based off of the most recent State guidelines and Santa Clara County’s move into the Red Tier. All families must log into the Customer Portal and sign our updated registration agreement before your dancer can begin classes in person on October 5. These policies have been updated for the 2020-2021 season. We ask that you please review these new studio guidelines with your dancer:

General Health and Safety Protocols

  • Lobby areas, dressing rooms, lounge areas are closed 
  • There is no food allowed
  • Water fountains are closed
  • Dance floors are marked with boundaries to maintain social distancing. 
  • Signage is posted outside and inside each studio to remind dancers and staff of social distancing “Touch Free Zone”. 
  • To adhere to the state and county guidelines, all teachers, dancers (over the age of 2) and staff are required to wear masks. 
  • All studio props have been removed from the dance rooms and no props will be used during classes. All Ballet barres will be cleaned/ sanitized after each class. 
  • Each student will place his or her personal items in a designated location inside each studio, while maintaining 6 feet from other dancers. 
  • Dancers and staff members will either wash hands with soap and water or use hand sanitizer before they enter and exit the dance room. 
  • Temperature checks will be done at the entrances for all staff and dancers with a no-touch infrared thermometer.  If anyone has a temperature of over 100 they will not be permitted in the building. In addition students will have to speak to a staff member and answer a series of questions. 

Cleaning protocols

The more frequently we clean and disinfect surfaces and objects, the greater chance we have of reducing the spread of germs. To prevent germs from contaminating surfaces and objects, we have implemented the following cleaning and disinfecting protocols:

  • The studio is cleaned in its entirety daily, including daily disinfection of all surfaces by a professional commercial janitorial company.  
  • After each class, the floors will be sprayed and all high touch surfaces are wiped down with a disinfectant approved by the EPA to fight Covid-19. Class will end 10 minutes early to allow time to sanitize the studios between each class. 
  • Bathrooms are cleaned with a disinfectant to fight Covid-19 every hour while classes are in session. 

Drop off and pick up procedures protocols

Please review our new drop off and pick up procedures with your dancer:

  • Dancers must wait in a designated area for the teacher or director to open the door to enter the studio. One class will enter at a time. 
  • Separate entrances will be used for each studio. Specific directions will be sent to each class. 
  • Studio doors will remain closed for the entire class. 
  • Dancers age 8+ will be dropped off no more than 5 min early for class or picked up more than 5 min after class. Parents of dancers age 8+ are asked to stay in their cars during drop off and pick up. Dancers under 8 can be met at the lobby doors by parent/guardian. 
  • There are clearly marked waiting points for dancers to stand while they wait for the teacher to open the door.
  • Before dancers enter, the teacher/director scans the forehead of each dancer with the hands-free infrared thermometer to ensure they do not have a temperature of 100 or higher.
  • The teacher/director must wipe down the thermometer with an alcohol wipe before placing it in the storage basket. 
  • Dancers must wash their hands with soap and water or use hand sanitizer before starting class. 
  • Once they enter, dancers go directly to their designated waiting area, which will be specified by the teacher.
  • After class dancers will be dismissed from the dance room. 
  • Dancers should use hand sanitizer when exiting the studio. 

Please note that these guidelines are subject to change based on the recommendations from the Health Department. We will communicate further guidance on our procedures as they are modified by the county and state health departments. In the event the health department orders the closure of our studios, we will transition back to our virtual learning format through Zoom.

We thank you for your support and patience as we navigate this new normal. We can’t wait to see our dancers back in the studio! If you have any questions please let us know.


The Staff of WVDC

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