We are proud to introduce our brand new Acrobatic Studio!
Located at our Bascom Location (1272 S. Bascom Avenue, San Jose, CA 95128) and with over 10,000 square feet of studio space, this state-of-the-art studio will offer classes beginning with infancy through advanced Acrobatic Arts.
Acrobatic Arts is a program based on safe and effective progressions with proven results in five divisions of AcroDance: Flexibility, Strength, Balancing, Limbering and Tumbling.
We are proud to offer this comprehensive program whose simple, thoughtful progressions take the beginner preschool level dancer from log rolls and summersaults to the advanced dancer tumbling effortlessly across the stage!
The program is designed to teach acro through safe, proper progressions and stresses the importance of alignment and training everything on both sides of the body.

Buddy & Me
Crawling to early walkers
Tiny Tumblers
18 months to 3 years old

Acro Sprouts
3 to 5 years old
5+ years old

Acrobatic Arts

Meet our Staff
Uniform Requirements